2025 Campus Race to Zero Waste Registration

Institution Name *

Main Contact - First and Last Name *

Email Address for Main Contact *

Athletic Conference *

What categories are you planning to participate in? *

Campuses can participate in one or more categories. Review reporting requirements for the 8-week reporting categories February-March:
>Diversion: Report Recyclables, Food Organics, & Trash weights.
>Per Capita Recycling: Report Recyclable weights including Cans/Bottles, Paper & Cardboard (no trash weights required). Category is named for Stephen K. Gaski.
>Food Organics: Food waste/Organic materials handled alongside total food waste reported and can include Office/Campus Residential Organics & Special Events Organics.
>Electronics: a one time reporting event, schools may count specific materials if they are otherwise accepted as “electronics” by their recycling service provider. All materials must be handled by an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler to be counted in the competition.
>GameDay Basketball: a one time reporting using two ranked categories:1)Diversion Reporting & 2) Per Capita Recycling standards.
>Case Study: Best practices narrative.

Does your campus use a R2 or e-Steward certified e-waste recycler? *

Population Size of Institution (students enrolled + staff employed) - Report Number *

12,491 - for example: Copy and paste url into browser for the National Center for Education Statistics College Navigator website to gain access to official population size of institution - or report population numbers from an official campus source.


Is your campus a designated: *

Do you want to add team member(s) to receive email communication?

Add Email of Team Member #1

Do you want to add team member #2 to receive email communication?

Add Email of Team Member #2

Do you want to add team member #3 to receive email communication?

Add Email of Team Member #3

Is your campus part of the Plastics Reduction Partner Certification Program? *

Campus Race to Zero Waste (CR2ZW) competition alongside with the National Wildlife Federation offers assistance to campuses wanting to reduce single use plastics through the Plastics Reduction Partner Certification Program. For more info, copy and paste the url into a browser: https://campusracetozerowaste.org/home-4/about-recyclemania/plastics-reduction-partner/

Campus Race to Zero Waste (formerly RecycleMania) Licensing *

Schools are encourages to make promotional materials available to their campus community as part of their participation in Campus Race to Zero Waste. Registered schools may produce their own custom promotional materials (such as hats and T-shirts) through local vendors, but must receive licensing approval to use the Campus Race to Zero Waste name or logo. Schools do not require permission to use the Campus Race to Zero Waste name or logo on communication materials such as posters, banners, flyers, etc.

Do you intend to locally produce your own promotional materials with the Campus Race to Zero waste name and/or logo through a third party vendor? This does not include temporary flyers, posters or other signage.

Licensing Agreement - Do you agree to the terms of this licensing agreement? *

Colleges and universities participating in Campus Race to Zero Waste may be licensed to use the Campus Race to Zero Waste name and logo by agreeing to the terms below:- Campus Race to Zero Waste and RecycleMania are registered trademarks of - RecycleMania, Inc.- The Campus Race to Zero Waste and RecycleMania marks and logos may not be used for any commercial purpose.- The Campus Race to Zero Waste and RecycleMania marks and logos may not be used for materials unrelated to your college or university's involvement in the tournament.- The Campus Race to Zero Waste and RecycleMania marks and logos may not be used in conjunction with references to illegal drugs, sexually explicit or offensive subject matter, or in any other manner that damages the good will associated with the Campus Race to Zero Waste and RecycleMania marks and logos.- The college or university agrees that the goods being independently produced are of quality. Campus Race to Zero Waste organizers have the right, on reason.

Privacy Policy & Understanding Guidelines of 2025 Campus Race to Zero Waste Competition *

Contact information gathered through this registration is used exclusively to promote the Campus Race to Zero Waste program. Contact information is owned by RecycleMania, Inc. Campus Race to Zero Waste may on a limited basis send announcements regarding grants, workshops or other relevant opportunities and resources. If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy, please contact campusracetozerowaste@gmail.com

I read, understand, and agree to abide by the guidelines described in the 2025 Campus Race to Zero Waste Rules.